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Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2021

My favorite piece of technology

  In definitive the laptop is my favorite piece of technology.   I remember when I was I child I spend a lot of time in front of the computer in my house, I liked playing games, watched music videos and pictures about the universe. But when my family was able to buy a laptop for the home, my enthusiasm for this piece of technology only grew, because I found it fascinating that now I could do the same as on a computer, and that it would be easier to take it with me. Due to the pandemic, I generally use the laptop at home, specifically at a desk. However, before the pandemic when I had to go out for long periods of time, I always made sure to take my laptop with me so that I had everything I needed. I currently use the laptop mainly to connect to online classes, because the pandemic has made it impossible to have face-to-face classes. Besides this, the laptop is important for my day to day, since I use it to organize all my responsibilities, I can be attentive to the mail, watch movi

My career

  When I was a child I dreamed of being an actress. I remember that I loved going to the theater and always came out fascinated. I wanted to produce the same emotion in the other people. I also liked acting because I’m shy, but when I acted I felt good and I didn´t feel me ashamed. In the high school due to lack of practice and lack of time I changed my plan for the future, so at moment for applying to the university I was undecided between astronomy and anthropologist. Although I really liked the two careers, in the end I decided to study anthropologist because it allowed me to study a wide variety of topic and be connected to people. Now I am very happy with my career, the contents are interesting, and I have learned a lot about topics with which I was not familiar. In the course of the career every day I have learned more about what the career is about, and every day I like it more. In short, I don’t regret my decision, and in the future, I would like to work in anthropology of

My autobiography - Who am I?

 Who am I? My name is Francisca Espinoza. I was born on may twenty-seven, two thousand and two so i ´ m nineteen years old. I ´ m live in Santiago with my mom, my grandmother and my cat, his name is Teodoro Ozuna and he is three years old. He is a energetic and unloving cat, but i love so much.   I ´ m studying anthropology at the university of Chile, before studying at the university my high school was the Liceo Carmela Carvajal on providencia. My hobbie is playing guitar, i learned two years ago watching youtube videos. I ´ m still not very good at playing guitar but i try to practice a little bit every day. My favorite music is british rock i love The Smith, but i also like trova, from this genre my favorite artist is Victor Jara. I don´t like watch movies or series, because i get easily distracted, however i am a big fan of Harry Potter, is one of the few movies with which i can stay turned.