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Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2021

A Meal or Food You Really Like

  Definitely my favorite food is French fries, I think they are the best edible invention I have ever tasted. I believe I like them so much because in general when I eat French fries it's because I'm with my friends at a meeting, and we don't see each other very often. That's why this food is very important to me, because it means having a good time with my friends. In general I buy the fries ready made, these can be in fast food places or any place that offers food, since fries are sold almost anywhere. However, sometimes we make French fries with my family at home, in order to be able to accompany a lunch. These are made by cutting the potatoes into an elongated shape, then you have to fry them, and they are ready to go perfect with any meal. Although I think fries are perfect anytime or with any side dish, I really like to eat them with sauces like ketchup. Now, I know that this food is not very healthy in excess due to frying, and that many times it is prepared