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Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2022

Blog 1: A country you would like to visit

Definitively I would like to visit Mexico. I believe I've had this idea for about 4 years, so I am really interest and exited with the opportunity to travel to this country someday.  I think what interests me most about Mexico is its culture, mainly the traditions relad to "Day of the Dead", because this day is celebrated in a very different way than in Chile. In addition to this, Mexico has beautiful landscapes such as beaches and cenotes, I really like the places nearby water as sea, river, or lake for example, these places are truly relaxing. Finally, another reason what I would like to visit Mexico is because of its pre-Columbian history. Human groups such as the Aztecs and Mayas settled in this territory, and there are remains of them, such as pyramids.  I know little about Mexico, mainly because of movies, series or generalities that are said about the country, so if I get to go to Mexico, I would like to try with the least amount of prejudice to learn as much a