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Mostrando entradas de abril, 2022

Blog 2: The Best Holiday

I consider that my best holiday was last summer, specifically in February 2022. On that occasion, I went to Lake Rapel to camp with my cousin, my aunt and a family friend for five days. We enjoyed swimming in the lake, walking around the campsite, taking pictures, playing cards and volleyball. However, most of all, we just rested.  This holidays was a really important experience for me, because I was able to connect with my family, with nature, and mainly with myself. I really managed to recharge my batteries after a year that was a little complicated. Also, for the first time in my life I had reiki, a very interesting experience, especially being in the middle of such beautiful landscapes. I also met a person that I now consider a great friend, I learned a lot from her and her life which is really inspiring, and we managed to connect super fast because we have similar interests.  Finally, what made this vacation trip end perfectly was that for the first time I saw a shooting star on t