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Mostrando entradas de junio, 2022

Blog Post 6: English Language Challenges

  It's amazing how time goes so fast, I'm finishing this level of English and it passed very quickly. I think it's a little difficult to say about my general experience learning English at the university, because due to the pandemic I did the first level completely online, and this semester we had a few face-to-face English classes, but then we returned to the online modality. Definitively, the online experience is more difficult than learning the language in face to face, when having online classes it is more difficult to concentrate because of the distractions of the house or the bad connection. In contrast, from the experience with the face-to-face classes this year, I feel that I learned much more than last year, I also feel more involved with the course, and I had a lot of fun. With respect to the use of blogs, I consider it an innovative strategy to evaluate knowledge, since it differs from the typical classroom test with paper and pencil answering questions. I