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Career Related Website


I think that the website of the Chilean Museum of Pre-Columbian Art is a site that I really like. While it is not a site focused on the whole of anthropology it does have information and resources related to the discipline, which are mainly focused on the pre-Columbian peoples of the Americas.

On this site you can find information about the museum and the exhibitions available. But they also have educational material for multiple ages, a library with texts in pdf that anyone can access, as well as good information on pre-Columbian peoples, which is organized in a way that makes it easy to access, with images, maps, and videos.

Although I don't visit it as much now as I did when I finished high school, I usually keep an eye on the exhibitions through social networks and if I have time I try to go.

I think what I like most about this site is that it is very orderly, so it is very easy to access the information. I also like that it has a collection in which you can access musical resources, images of archaeological remains and videos of multiple related topics. I think I would recommend this site to anyone who needs accurate access to information about pre-Columbian peoples or who is interested in viewing various resources about them.


Access link:


  1. I find you very right in what you say about the museum of pre-Columbian art of chile, sometimes I look for its web page and it is very tidy, it has enough inputs to be able to study in the best possible way.


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