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Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2022

Post 5: Changes to my study program

I really feel that I love my career, in general I really like everything, and I feel very motivated. However, I think we must be conscious of some things that could be better. To start, I think that the general curriculum is very interesting and well planned. But I think that in the first two years of the career they should implement more subjects related to archaeology and physical anthropology, since most of the subjects that we see these years are related to social anthropology. Sometimes I feel that the workload is quite heavy in terms of content because we have to learn a lot of different things in different areas of anthropology. However, probably because the first year of studies was online, it has been quite easy for me to carry the workload until now, let's hope they continue to be like this for the rest of the career. With respect to the infrastructure of the faculty I think that in some ways it is deficient, for example the lack of places to eat and food options, b

Post 4: Time travel to the past

Being able to travel back in time sounds like something that would happen in a movie or a science fiction book, so I guess I've never really stopped to think seriously about it. However, I think I would prefer to travel back in time for now. It is really interesting to me the idea of traveling far into the past and being able to see live the historical events that I have read about in history books. To be part of the first ships and ocean voyages, to see the French revolution or the independence of Chile. However, I think what I would be most interested in seeing in my trip to the past would be those events that are not documented in history, I would like to see how the first humans lived in Latin America before the arrival of the Europeans, to see the fauna and flora, how the landscapes have changed. It is a very nice idea to be able to live an experience like this, to be part of historical events that are not very famous in order to understand them better, and in this way under

Blog 3: My Dream Job

I am not really sure what I would like to work in the future, because anthropology is a new field for me. Each time I am learning more and more new dimensions of the career and new job possibilities are opening to me. However, for now I think I have a preference for archaeological work. I imagine myself in the future traveling to different places, working in the field and discovering objects that will allow me to understand and rewrite history. I am studying in my second year of anthropology, and from the third year of studies the university allows us to specialize in one area of anthropology, which can be: social, physical and archaeology. From that, next year I could enter the specialization of archaeology, and in this way, acquire the necessary abilities to be able to work. With respect to the salary, I would like to have enough to live quietly and save for travel. I am not really interested in having great luxuries or a life full of material things, I just want to be happy with